Make it happen Captain

February 9, 2016

What is the purpose for going to college?

College is more than a school of higher education.

College is an opportunity for you to embrace your true identity and the desires that will drive you into a path of prosperity.

“H” “e” double hockey sticks, not even public colleges are cheap.

Without a scholarship, we’re spending at least $7,750 for in-state tuition a semester, or $17,700 for out-of-state tuition. And Sally Mae will also need her interest on your loans.

So don’t tell me you came to college because you didn’t have a choice.

You had a choice whether you wanted to accept the loans that will put you in debt for decades.

Don’t tell me you came to college because your parents forced you.

There’s no man on earth that’s entitled to force you to do anything you’re not motivated to do.

Don’t tell me you came to college because you wanted to make a difference.

You made a difference when you graduated from high school. According to, over 1.2 million students drop out of high school in the United States every year.

Don’t tell me you came to college because you wanted to be the first college graduate in your family.

Yeah, that sounds amazing! But are you earning a degree to return home or to move forward in a chosen career?

Matter of the fact, don’t tell me anything!

Talk is cheaper than Straight Talk.

For example, Wes Woods, a graduate from N.C. Central University’s Human Science, was just a sophomore when he developed a clothing brand called Original Crackage in October 2012.

I was able to work around Woods while preparing for the 2014 Fashion Inc. show. Everyone was impressed with his work ethic. I never saw Wood slack off in the process, he was always diligent. And, sure enough, it paid off.

Today, Original Crackage has premiered on BET’s “Rip the Runway.” Also, Woods won the Designer of the Year at Titans Arts Awards in Washington, D.C.

Of course, you need not to explain yourself, nor do you need anyone’s approval to be good enough.

Clearly, you didn’t need anyone’s approval to sagg your pants to your ankles, or to wear your dapper suit on Chicken Wednesday.

Show your professor, the envious individual you thought was your friend, your classmate who dropped out after the first semester of college, and the people you’ve encourage back at home to get off their ass that you are eager to reach your purpose in life.

Most importantly, you should want to do it for yourself. You’d be surprised.

I’m sure you’ve heard this all your life: “You can do anything you put your mind to.” I know it’s a cliché but it’s so true.

No one can stop you when you have mind control. It is a cliché because it’s that simple.

If you’re planning to be a health educator, a pharmaceutical sale representative, or a fashion designer use your resources on campus, such as Centennial Scholar Program and Career Services.

Go talk to someone right now they’re out to help you.

Let me humor you with some lines from Everest, the online university:

You’re sitting here reading this article, and your life is passing you by, and you’re procrastinating over and over. —

You are your biggest worry. —

Well maybe I’ll do something productive tomorrow, maybe tomorrow! —

No, start today! —

But seriously, you’re at a great university, not a joke diploma mill like Everest. So let’s not waste our four years of college daydreaming about what life could be after college.

We have to create our opportunities, so everything we’ve envisioned will come to pass.


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