VIDEO: N.C. Central students support Mizzou - Campus Echo Online

VIDEO: N.C. Central students support Mizzou

November 19, 2015

Opinion editor, Melquan Ganzy and mass communications senior Jasmine Holeman set out to find what N.C. Central University students had to say about recent events at the University of Missouri that led to the resignation on Nov. 10 of by university president Timothy Wolfe. Shortly after, the university system chancellor R. Bowen Loftin announced that he would resign by the end of the year.

The administration at Missouri was under heavy pressure from students and faculty to address long standing issues of racism and discrimination on campus, specifically racial slurs aimed at black students and an incident in which feces was shaped into a swastika and put on the wall of the Concerned Students 1950, a black organization.

Students and faculty protested that the university was not taking strong enough measures to address the situation.

Pressure intensified when the Mizzou Tigers football team, which is about 50 percent black, announced a boycott on Nov. 8 with the full support of head coach Gary Pinkel. This would have forfeited a Nov. 14 game against Brigham Young University Cougars. The forfeiture would have resulted in a $1 million breach of contract fine. After the resignations the Tigers played the game and won 20-16.


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