Campus Echo/NCCU
1801 Fayetteville Street
Durham, NC 27707
Phone: 919-530-7116 (voice mail enabled) or 919-530-7483 (not voice mail enabled)
Fax: 919-530-7991
Faculty adviser: Dr. Bruce dePyssler
About the Campus Echo
The Campus Echo is the official student newspaper of North Carolina Central University. NCCU, a historically black university (HBCU), is one of the 16 constituent member schools of the University of North Carolina System. It has been targeted as a “growth institution” by UNC. NCCU, with its 8,250 students, is located in the heart of Durham just minutes from the Research Triangle Park, a booming technology and biotechnology center. Our print run is 4,000 distributed to over 30 campus locations on Wednesdays.
If you decide to advertise with the Campus Echo your ad will be seen in one of the nation’s very best black college student newspapers. The Campus Echo is one of the most highly recognized HBCU student newspaper in the nation. The print and online editions have won over 150 awards from the Black College Communication Association, the Society for Professional Journalists, and the Associated Collegiate Press. These honors include the national Mark of Excellence Award for Best Online Student Newspaper and numerous general excellence awards from the BCCA and the SPJ. We are eager to serve your advertising needs and to enroll your support of our student newspaper.
Our readers are the 8,500 undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in NCCU and the approximately 1,000 full-time faculty and staff of the institution, plus tens of thousands of alumni with our online and mobile presence. We distribute to 30 campus locations. Average age of full- and part-time students is 24 years. The majority of students are North Carolinians, but 37 states are represented in the student body. Eighty-three percent of the students are African American; 14 percent are white. Sixty-five percent of the students are female. NCCU is renowned for educating African American professionals and community leaders. The university has programs in biotechnology, education, criminal justice, nursing, health education, law and public administration. Additionally, NCCU is home to the Institute for the Study of Minority Issues and the new Biomedical/Biotechnology Research Institute, a program partnered with the National Institutes of Health and companies like Glaxo Wellcome and Eli Lilly to address the health needs of minority groups.
ONLINE CLASSIFIEDS: Online box ads are submitted directly online only via our ULOOP service. Simply go to any page (excluding the home page) and click below the classifieds bar. Then go to “Post Classifieds” button on the top right. Create an account if you haven’t yet done so. Be sure to select the “Online Only” option. Payment is made by credit card only.
Online advertising only
Fixed rate for a 300 pixels wide x 250 pixels tall box in a refresh rotation with no more than three ads total: $50 per two weeks / $100 per month / $250 per semester / $475 for the academic year. Online ads do not bill in less than two week increments.
For a 300 pixels wide x 500 pixel tall box in a refresh rotation with no more than three ads total: $75 per two weeks / $135 per month / $325 per semester / $575 per academic year. Online ads do not bill in less than two week increments.
Discuss our special online ad arrangements for clients who place print ads in our “best of the semester” print editions. Call to discuss this with us.
All online ads must be 100Kb or less JPG and built to 300 pix wide by 250 pix tall. Be sure to include a “click thru” online address with your ad.
Agency discounts: 15% to the above rates + 5% for prepayment. Accordingly, agency prepaid rates are as follows:
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